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Lab 10 : Backup and Restore Configuration in Mikrotik Routerboard

Tujuan :
Purpose :
  1. Dapat mengetahui pengertian Mikrotik Routerboard
Can know what is the meaning of Mikrotik Routerboard
  1. Dapat mengetahui cara backup dan restore di Mikrotik Routerboard
Can know how to backup and restore in Mikrotik Routerboard

Bahan :
Materials :
  1. Mikrotik Routerboard + charger
Mikrotik Routerboard + charger
  1. Kabel UTP
Cable UTP
  1. Aplikasi WinBox
Application WinBox

Konsep Dasar :
Basic Concepts :
  1. Pengertian Mikrotik Routerboard
Understanding Mikrotik Routerboard
Mikrotik routerboard adalah suatu hardware yang dapat menjalankan router network tanpa perlu di install ke sebuah PC, karena Mikrotik ini telah di desain untuk menjalankan routerOS sehingga dapat menjadi router yang handal untuk penggunanya.
Mikrotik routerboard is a hardware that can run a network router without the need to install to a PC, because this Mikrotik has been designed to run RouterOS so that router it can be reliable for users.

  1. Pengertian WinBox
Understanding WinBox
Winbox adalah utility yang digunakan untuk konektivitas dan konfigurasi MikroTik menggunakan MAC Address atau protokol IP. Dengan winbox kita dapat melakukan konfigurasi MikroTik menggunakan modus GUI dengan cepat dan sederhana.
Winbox is a utility that is used for connectivity and configuration MikroTik by MAC address or IP protocol. With winbox we can do MikroTik configuration using GUI mode with fast and simple.

Perbedaan “Backup Binary File” dan “Backup Script File”
Divergent “Backup Binary File” and “Backup Script File”
  • Backup Binary File : tidak dapat di edit text editor, dapat membackup keseluruhan data, dan dapat dikembalikan ke konfigurasi semula
Backup Binary File: can not edit text editor, can backup the entire data, and can be restored to its original configuration
  • Backup Script File: dapat di edit text editor, dapat membackup sebagian atau keseluruhan konfigurasi router, dan tidak dapat dikembalikan ke konfigurasi semula
Backup Script File: can be edited text editor, can be part or whole backup router configuration, and can not be restored to its original configuration

Langkah-langkah :
Steps :
  1. Pastikan kabel UTP sudah terpasang di laptop atau PC yang terhubung ke Mikrotik routerboard. Tancapkan kabel UTP dari laptop atau PC anda ke port 2 routerboard.
Make sure UTP cables is plugged on the laptop or PC that is connected to Mikrotik routerboard. Plug the UTP cable from your laptop or PC to port 2 routerboard.

  1. Buka aplikasi WinBox, pilih “browse” untuk melihat Mac Address routerboard dan klik Mac Address itu. Klik “sambungkan” untuk menyambungkan aplikasi ke routerboard
Open application WinBox, select “browse” to view the Mac Address routerboard and click the Mac Address. Click “connect” to connecting applications to routerboard

  1. Pilih menu “IP” lalu pilih “Address”
Select ”IP” menu then select “Address”

  1. Klik ikon “+” untuk menambahkan IP Address, disini saya akan menambahkan IP Address ether2. Klik apply dan oke
Click the icon "+" to add the IP address, here I will add IP Address ether2. Click Apply and OK

Configuration Binary File no password :
  1. Pilih menu “Files” lalu klik “Backup” untuk nama dan password kosongkan saja, klik “Backup”
Select the "Files" menu and then click "Backup" to empty it name and password, click “Backup”

  1. Maka akan ada file Renny-19700102-0021.backup kemudian seret file tersebut ke desktop laptop anda atau klik ikon copy dan paste ke desktop kamu
There will be file Renny-9700102-0021.backup then drag the file to your desktop laptop or click the icon copy and paste to the your desktop

  1. Setelah file Renny-19700102-0021.backup sudah di copy ke desktop, hapus file backup tersebut
After file Renny-19700102-0021.backup the copied to your desktop, delete the backup file

  1. Lalu pilih menu “System” dan pilih  “Reset Configuration”
Then select “System” menu and select “Reset Configuration”

  1. Lalu pilih “Reset Configuration”
Then select “Reset Configuration”

  1. Copy file Renny-19700102-0021.backup yang ada di desktop untuk melakukan restore
Copy Renny -19700102-0021.backup file on the desktop to do restore

  1. Buka lagi aplikasi winbox
Open again winbox application

  1. Masuk ke menu “Files” lallu klik ikon”Paste” dan file Renny-19700102-0021.backup sudah ada di “File List”
Go to menu "Files" lallu click the "Paste" and Renny-19700102-0021.backup file already exists in the "File List”

  1. Kemudian klik file Renny-19700102-0021.backup lalu pilih menu “Restore”  dan pilih “Restore” lagi. Maka otomatis akan diminta untuk di “Reboot”
Then click Renny-19700102-0021.backup file then select menu "Restore" and select "Restore" again. It will automatically requested to at the "Reboot"

  1. Buka aplikasi winbox dan disitu akan terlihat konfigurasi yang sebelum di “Reset Configuration”
Open the application and there will be look winbox configuration before at the "Reset Configuration"

Configuration Binary File with password :
  1. Pilih menu “Files” lalu klik “Backup” lalu isi kolom nama dan password, klik ‘Backup”
Select the "Files" menu and then click "Backup" then fill in name and password, click “Backup”

  1. Maka akan ada file Renny.backup kemudian seret file tersebut ke desktop laptop anda atau klik ikon copy dan paste ke desktop
There will be file Renny.backup then drag the file to your desktop laptop or click the icon copy and paste to the your desktop

  1. Setelah file Renny.backup sudah di copy ke desktop, hapus file backup tersebut
After file Renny.backup the copied to your desktop, delete the backup file

  1. Lalu pilih menu “System” dan pilih  “Reset Configuration”
Then select “System” menu and select “Reset Configuration”

  1. Lalu pilih “Reset Configuration”
Then select “Reset Configuration”

  1. Copy file Renny-.backup yang ada di desktop untuk melakukan restore
Copy Renny.backup file on the desktop to do restore

  1. Buka lagi aplikasi winbox
Open again winbox application

  1. Masuk ke menu “Files” lalu klik ikon”Paste” dan file Renny.backup sudah ada di “File List”
Go to menu "Files" then click the "Paste" and Renny.backup file already exists in the "File List”

  1. Kemudian klik file Renny.backup lalu pilih menu “Restore” dan isikan nama dan password pilih “Restore” lagi. Maka otomatis akan diminta untuk di “Reboot”
Then click Renny.backup file then select menu "Restore" and select "Restore" again. It will automatically requested to at the "Reboot"

  1. Buka aplikasi winbox dan disitu akan terlihat konfigurasi yang sebelum di “Reset Configuration”
Open the application and there will be look winbox configuration before at the "Reset Configuration"

Configuration Script File :
  1. Buka “New Terminal” dan lakukan export file backup_all_configuration
Open “New Terminal” and  do export file backup_all_configuration

  1. Maka akan ada file backup_all_configuration.backup kemudian seret file tersebut ke desktop laptop anda atau klik ikon copy dan paste ke desktop
There will be file backup_all_configuration.backup then drag the file to your desktop laptop or click the icon copy and paste to the your desktop

  1. Hapus file backup_all_configuration.backup yang ada di “File List”
Delete the file backup_all_configuration.backup in "File List"

  1. Lalu pilih menu “System” dan pilih  “Reset Configuration”
Then select “System” menu and select “Reset Configuration”

  1. Lalu pilih “Reset Configuration”
Then select “Reset Configuration”

  1. Buka file backup_all_configuration.backup menggunakan notepad
Open the file backup_all_configuration.backup using notepad

  1. Lalu ubah IP Address dari menjadi, lalu di simpan
Then change the IP address of become, then at the save

  1. Copy file backup_all_configuration.backup yang ada di desktop untuk melakukan restore
Copy  backup_all_configuration.backup file on the desktop to do restore

  1. Masuk ke menu “Files” lalu klik ikon ”Paste” dan file backup_all_configuration.backup sudah ada di “File List”
Go to menu "Files" then click the icon "Paste" and backup_all_configuration.backup file already exists in the "File List”

  1. Kemudian buka “New Terminal”, lakukan import file backup_all_configuration.backup dan cek IP Address
Then open the "New Terminal", do import file backup_all_configuration.backup and check the IP Address


Cukup sekian dan terima kasih
That's all and thank you
Mohon maaf bila ada penulisan bahasa yang salah
Sorry if there was writing the incorrect language

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